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Peruvian Coffee: Matching Consumption With Production

Peruvian Coffee: Matching Consumption With Production
Category: Coffee News
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Synopsis: Ever wondered why instant coffee, like Nescafe, has a 75% consumption rate in a coffee producing country like Peru ?
Ever wondered why instant coffee, like Nescafe, has a 75% consumption rate in a coffee producing country like Peru ? This article goes into a little Marketing and Anthropoly, great reading.
The question that we are left with is: why does Nescafe seem to be popular among coffee producing countries that theoretically have access to their own supply of coffee beans?
Peruvian coffee is handpicked and sun-dried which makes it popular in high-end markets. Still, domestic consumption remains low: "Per capita consumption is 500 grams, which is one of the lowest in the region (Brazil’s per capita consumption is 4 kilograms per year)." Though consumption habits are changing slowly as more cafes open and coffee gains a mainstream popularity, instant coffee still comprises approximately 75% of consumption!
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Comments on Peruvian Coffee: Matching Consumption With Production

Joshua McBride 31/12/2011 20:40
Wow... "Though consumption habits are changing slowly as more cafes open and coffee gains a mainstream popularity, instant coffee still comprises approximately 75% of consumption!" I didn't think it was that high of a %.

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