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How to use Vacuum Coffee Makers

How to use Vacuum Coffee Makers
Category: How To Guides
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Synopsis: Make great tasting coffee with vacuum coffee makers

Bodum Vacuum Coffee Maker Instructions:

1. Pour the desired amount of water into the bottom glass jug.

2. Then place the jug either on an electric, gas or methylated spirits stove. The glass jug may be wet on the outside. For gas stoves we recommend that you use a heat diffuser.

3. Now insert the filter in the funnel.

4. There is a small chain on the filter with a hook. Pull the chain gently and secure the hook to the edge of the tube.

5. Place the ground coffee in the glass funnel. Use one scoop of coffee for each cup of coffee desired. Any grind of coffee can be used.

6. Now place the glass funnel on the jug and bring the water to a boil.

7. The water in the jug will now rise into the funnel and mix with the ground coffee. Around 2 cm of water will remain in the glass jug at the bottom. (If no water remains in the jug, it must be removed from the heat immediately since there is a risk that it will crack from the heat).

8. Now take the coffee maker off the heat and place it on a surface which is neither cold nor wet. The coffee is now "brewed", the coffee should now pass into the lower jug. Should it cease to fall into the jug simply replace onto the heat and bring to the boil again.

9. As soon as the coffee has run out of the glass funnel into the jug, remove the funnel. The coffee is now ready to drink. Clean the funnel by removing the coffee grounds, releasing the filter hook from the glass tube and rinsing both thoroughly with hot water. You may wash thoroughly with a mild soapy water, using care not to bump or damage the glass funnel.

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