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The Caffeine Molecule (contained in coffee)

The Caffeine Molecule (contained in coffee)
Category: Coffee Facts
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Synopsis: Caffeine, also known as trimethylxanthine, coffeine, theine, mateine, guaranine, and methyltheobromine, is an alkaloid found naturally in such foods as coffee beans, tea, kola nuts, Yerba maté, guarana, and (in small amounts) cacao beans.

The Caffeine Molecule (contained in coffee)

Caffeine, also known as trimethylxanthine, coffeine, theine, mateine, guaranine, and methyltheobromine, is an alkaloid found naturally in such foods as coffee beans, tea, kola nuts, Yerba maté, guarana, and (in small amounts) cacao beans. Plants create caffeine as a pesticide, to paralyze and kill the insects feeding on them. While caffeine in its pure form is the chemical standard for bitterness, it is added to some soft drinks such as colas, Irn-Bru and Mountain Dew ostensibly for its taste.


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