Baratza Vario Won't Grind!?

Baratza Vario Won't Grind!?
Category: Troubleshooting
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New baratza vario grinder won't grind when I hit the start button? Help!

When you first buy your Baratza Vario grinder and take everything out of the box, the first thing you want to do is grind some beans!

After you install the hopper and add coffee, you then hit manual and hit start. Nothing! This grinder doesn't work...there must be something wrong.

This is a common problem we get calls about from customers who purchase the Vario.

The problem lies in the installation of the hopper. It needs to be secured completely before the Vario will start to grind beans. This is a safety feature... think of childproof cans.

If you turn the grinder around, you will see a small divet in the metal rim that connects to the hopper. If you then look at your hopper, you will see a raised line. This line and divet need to align before your grinder will work.

This sometimes needs a lot of pressure to turn, but it tends to ease up after a few times.

Once the line and divet are aligned, your grinder should work and you will have some freshly ground coffee beans!


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