Great tips for gasket and shower screen removal and replacement!
No matter the quality or price of your traditional or semi-automatic espresso machine, a part of long term maintenance will usually involve some work on the grouphead. If you're not sure what to do or don't feel so inclined to tackle it yourself, getting your machine serviced is always a safe and reliable option.
However, if you are interested in some diy, you'll be happy to discover that it is actually quite simple!
Some reasons for replacing your gasket or shower screen:
What to do:
First thing to remember is that when you are ordering any new or replacement parts, make sure you purchase the correct items for your machine's make and model, as they are not built to be universally used. Double check that you are only buying parts that are compatible with E61 groupheads, as parts made for other types of groupheads will not work.
When removing the gasket from an E61 group head, it is good to understand that the gasket is wedged in tightly in a ridge and that gasket is what holds in the shower/dispersion screen.
You will need a tool like a flathead screwdriver or dull knife to wedge the gasket out, as it should be in there extremely tightly. You may be able to utilize the ridge on some shower screens to loosen the gasket, by slowly prying it down little by little around the edge.
Take your time and don't rush! You are much more likely to ruin the gasket if you make your moves too big. If your gasket is beyond saving, you can be much less gentle, but still treat your machine and its parts with care.
When putting in the new gasket and/or shower screen, you can place them back together and try to wiggle them back in, however, using a portafilter with no basket inserted to click them back in works better, in less time.
Another helpful tip: put the gasket and shower screen together, and then place in the freezer over night.
The metal and rubber/silicone will safely contract and become just that bit smaller, allowing you to click it into place easier.
Hopefully these little tips will help you become your own espresso machine tech!